Se dice que Gene Kelly filmó su famosa escena de "Singin' in the Rain" (1952), en la que precisamente baila y canta en la calle bajo una torrencial lluvia, enfermo y con casi 39° de temperatura. A eso le llamo profesionalismo.
Quentin Tarantino se inspiró en la película "Bande à part" (1964), de Jean-Luc Godard, para dar nombre a su productora. Tarantino se declara un gran admirador del realizador francés.
La palabra "robot" apareció por primera vez en la obra teatral "R.U.R. Robots Universales de Rossum", escrita por el autor checo Karel Capek en 1921.
Virginia Wolf escribió todos sus libros de pie.
Mickey Mouse es conocido en Italia como “Topolino”.
4 comentarios:
Gene Kelly: at least it wasnt swine flu!
I like Tarantino but hes raunchy!
The word robot is among my favorite ones, as well as alien, zombie, cyborg, vintage, montage and edge.
i dont recall reading Virginia Wolf but she seems frigid, and i know that im probably saying something really very stupid.
Mickey Mouse... i rather watch Topoyiyo hahaha remember that one?
have fun!
Vaya, virginia escribió todos sus libros de pie? Increíble no?
Un abrazo Àlex.
Who's afraid of Virgina Woolf?
... her shoes?
Hahaha, you made me laugh Pandy hahaha! Fortunately for Kelly, it wasn't swine flu of course, but I don't know...maybe he would have been able to perform the whole musical number with flu, haha. He was such a professional!
Really, you think he's raunchy?? Well, yes, you're right, but that's been always his personal mark you know. I love his movies, and the music he chooses for them!! Wow, don't you think the music is always great??
No stupid at all haha, funny yes!
Of course I remember Topogigio, he was lovely, I love him!!
Have fun too!!
Hola Anzili, a mí me parece un poco inverosímil este hecho, pero es lo que se cuenta. En The Hours, de Stephen Daldry, con Nicole Kidman haciendo el papel de Virginia Wolf, creo que aparece escribiendo sentada algunas veces.
Hola Joel, no sus zapatos...sus pies lo más probable, jajaja.
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